- 2012 Masterclass by Santiago Sierra
- 2006-2010 Feldenkrais Neuss XI
- 2007 Scholarship danceWeb Europe 2007, Vienna
- 1999 Dance- academy Rotterdam
- 1992-1996 Dance- academy Tilburg (Improvisation, Modern Dance, Ballet)
- 2013 ImproLab at the Bimhuis, Amsterdam
- 2001-2011 ‘The show must go on’ by Jérôme Bel/ World-Tour
- 2009 ‚Sloopt’ Koning Carlos, NWE Vorst, Tilburg
- 2008 ´2x2=3’ by Sonja Augart, Paradox Tilburg
- 2007 ‘1’ by Liesbeth Koot, stddanceco, Melkweg Amsterdam
- 2006 ‘Wensloos Gelukkig’ by Hans Tuerlings, RAZ
- 2003 ‘The voices’ by Tim Etchells , Forced Entertainment, Volksbühne Prater, Berlin
- 2001 ‘Homus R. Urbanus’ choreography Joerdis Cordua, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Den Haag
- 2000-2001 ‘Future of work’ choreography Fréderic Flamand / Expo 2000 Hannover
- 1999 ‘Les Boreades’ choreography Vivienne Newport/ conductor Simon Rattle, Salzburger Festspiele
Own works (choreographies/ performances)
- 2024 "Durchlaufen", exhibition RE:VISION, 20 Jahre Kunstverein Tiergarten, Berlin
- 2022 "Pop-Up Salon" Try-Out, Gleisdreieck Park und Potsdamer Platz, Berlin
- 2018 'Durchlaufen' city-choreography-trail, performativ tour through the neighbourhood Moabit, Galerie Nord / Kunstverein Tiergarten, Berlin
- 2016 - 2017 'Choreographier Dich Pfad' site specific research project, AUSUFERN, Uferstudios GmbH Berlin
- 2016 'Revaluation' performance at the exhibition Anscharpark Atelier House, Kiel
- 2015 - 2016 Choreographic Radio, different shows with the aim what is choreography on Radio.
- 2015 'V.I.P' performance at the exhibition 'Lekker Belangrijk' TAC, Eindhoven
- 2013 'Fight' performance at the exhibition Schaamtloos M/V, electron, Breda
- 2013 'Varkenspel' gameshow for blind people and a pig, Zwarte Vleugels - mEATing, Tilburg
- 2012 'Viktor in the butchery' performance in a butchery, mEATing pig tour, Tilburg
- 2012 'We will animate you' a dico performance against the money cuts in the arts, Cafe Philip, NL
- 2012 'I never found home again' performance International Womens Day, Theatre Balie Amsterdam, To be present
- 2011 'Big Bang' performance Zuiderstrand, Den Haag, Art instead of Propaganda
- 2010 'Tender/Zacht' Installation with four rabbits, a grassfield, four TV and Richard Gere in the entrance hall of Theatre Frascati, Amsterdam
- 2010 ‘StilDraaiKlank’ performance with Composer Bart van Dongen at the gallery Ruimte X, Tilburg
- 2009 ‘Viendeo Doble ( como mirar la T.V. y bailar al mismo tiempo)’ concept en performer in collaboration with Esteban Donoso at the Asociacion Humboldt - Centro Goethe Quito, Ecuador
- 2009 'People see nothing' site specific performance, PRISMA Forum, Mexico City
- 2009 ‘Aschblau- Space here I come’ performance on a bouncy castle, Version I. In collaboration with composer Vincent Koreman
- 2008 ‘One minute in space’, site-specific installation in the theatre Tilburg, Dansgala 2008
- 2008 ‘Mensen die niets zien’ site-specific performance in the shop HEMA, Guerrilla-project
- 2008 ‘2x2=3’ improvisation with Mete Erker, Jeroen van Vliet & Oliver Nijs,L’ avventura Danceweek Brabant 2008
- 2007 ‘Mensen die niets zien’, a performance that goes in search of the borderline between watching and seeing
- 2007 ‘Trip’, a 4D multimedia improvisation in 4 acts, Theatre de NWE Vorst, Tilburg
- 2007 ‘One minute in space’, a multi-avant-garde-dance performance, ZXZW independent culture Festival, Tilburg
- 2007 ‘Dressed (un)dressed’ performance in co-operation with photographer Tineke Schuurmans in the Galerie Majke Hüsstege, s'-Hertogenbosch
- 2007 'Hellrot' Film at POOL 07 Berlin
- 2005-2006 ‘Hellrot’, Theater de NWE Vorst Tilburg, Theater Vooruit
- 2004 ‘The freedom to misunderstand chaos’, Phase 1, Dansateliers Rotterdam
- 2004 ‘The freedom of misunderstanding chaos or the freedom of misunderstanding cows’, Pact- Zollverein Essen, Atelier in August
- 2004 ‘Balconyscenes’ Performance for the opening of an exhibition by artist Frans Fransen, Cacaofactory Helmond
- 2003-2004 ‘Ein Versuch dem Publikum etwas zu zeigen’ wp Zimmer Antwerp and Theater de Vorst Tilburg, Phase 2
- 2003 ‘Test’ Dansateliers, Rotterdam
- 2002 ‘Ein Versuch dem Publikum etwas zu zeigen’ foundation L’Avventura, Theater de Vorst Tilburg, Phase 1
- 2001 ‘Utopien’ Productiehuis Brabant, Boulevard Festival , Den Bosc
Dramaturgy/ Communicating Dance
- 2021 „Talking Together - On Air“ and „Talking Together - On Air - Extended Version“, research on digital communicating dance formats, NEUSTART KULTUR, DIS-TANZEN, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland
- 2021 A digital conference „Could It Be Magic? - Feedback as a possibility for opening up artistic work processes“ at Flugwerk e. V., Berlin. Lecture „great uncertainty“ for the panel „Somatic feedback (in the digital space) - the expertise of physical perception“
- 2020 "TanzHörBuch_Echo" the corona version, SOUNDANCE FESTIVAL Berlin
- 2019 "TanzHörBuch’1" is a collage of interviews and sound recordings with visually impaired people and festival artists, SOUNDANCE Festival Berlin, cooperation with Jenny Haack
- 2018 - 2019 „Talking Together“ a card game to bring people together, concept, Julidans, Amsterdam
- 2019 "Let's Talk About Dance - Next Generation", concept, dramaturge and mentor in cooperation with the Tanztage Berlin Sophiensaele and Mapping Dance Berlin (Tanzbüro Berlin)
- 2017 - 2018 Mapping Dance Berlin, Tanzbüro Berlin, expert for the program and documentation "communicating dance"
- 2015 - 2018 "Let's talk about dance", Feedback Lab goes public #1-#4, cooperation Tanztage Berlin Sophiensaele, Mapping Dance Berlin (Tanzbüro Berlin) and Life Long Burning Network (Uferstudios GmbH) and Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz (HZT) Berlin, Concept, Moderation and Documentation
- 2015 - 2016 Feedback Lab goes public #2 -#3, research at the Uferstudios, Hochschulübergreiendes Zentrum Tanz (HZT), Tanzbüro Berlin and Sophiensaele, Berlin
- 2015 'Modal Verbs' I must, I should, I may, I can, I will, I want, a soloperformance by Jasna L. Vinovrski/ Public in Private, a choreographic collaboration, Uferstudios Berlin
- 2014 Translation 'Schau auf meine Sprache' (Alain Franco), Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods & Münchner Kammerspiele 'Built to Last' (2012)
- 2012 Moderator at the Festival Springdance Symposium 'Nomadic Conditions'
- 2012 Dramaturg for vloeistof at Dansateliers Rotterdam
- 2017 - 2025 Feldenkrais classes in Berlin
- 2014 - 2016 Feldenkrais classes in Berlin, Uferstudios
- 2014 Seminar Modern Dance/Feldenkrais at Seneca Berlin, Dock11
- 2012 - 2013 Composition, Feldenkrais (somedic education) and theory at the Fontys Dansacademie Tilburg, third and fourth year circus students, Danshuis Station Zuid
- 2011 workshop To be Present with third year students st. Joost - Art Academies Breda en 's- Hertogenbosch - assignments like automatic writing, short meditations, fysical exercises to get in touch with a more fysical approach towards the own visual work of the students with Anet van de Elzen, Danielle van Vree and Bart van Dongen
- 2010-2011 Feldenkrais, workshop
- 2001-2011 Cke Eindhoven, national orientation cursus for young actors, department: physical training
- 2009 Workshop, site specific performance at the PRISMA Forum, Mexico City
- 2003-2008 Modern Dance/Yoga training for professional dancers
- 2000 Speeltheater Gent, Dance theater for pupils
- 2010-2011 Frascati Theatre Amsterdam (Something Raw Festival 2011)
- 2008-2011 Incubate Independent Culture Tilburg
Further activities
- 2022 - 2025 Speaker Freie Szene Berlin, Spatial infrastructure for the independent art community in Berlin, Bündnis Freie Szene Berlin e.V. and Koalition der Freien Szene
- 2016 - 2018 Location Management - Infrastructure Workingspaces for Dance and Performance Art, ZTB e.V. and Tanzbüro Berlin
- 2017 Collective realignment #4, Locating Dance, discussion about where is contemporary dance located today and what still make it dance despite all its diversification.
- 2016 Mentor for the Master of Arts Solo/ Dance/ Authorship (SODA), HZT Berlin
- 2016 Collective realignment #3, Ways of communication, discussion about which way are curators accessible.
- 2015 - 2016 Asssistant to the executive management of the Uferstudios, Berlin
- 2015 Collective realignment # 1-2, A Temporary Library and Invitation for Discussion on Artistic Needs, ZTB e.V. and TBB
- 2015 - 2016 Vice Chairman of the association ZTB (zeitgenössischertanzberlin e.V.)
- 2015 Shared Office #2 and #3, Sophiensaele and HAU Berlin, How Do We Work It
- 2015 "Artist Organisation International" Theatre HAU, Haben und Brauchen Presentation, Berlin
- 2014 Haben und Brauchen, Concept for a long-term dialogue process, ZK/U Berlin
- 2014 SKETCH artist, Installation Performance, Berlin
- 2014 Shared Office #1, at the Uferstudios Berlin, How Do We Work It
- 2014 Haben und Brauchen - AG Raum, platform to advocate in the field of the art in Berlin
- 2013 Curator/Performer at the Monday Match Bimhuis Amsterdam
- 2011 Concept and organisation of the meeting of the Network of Choreography & Related Art at the BKKC Tilburg
- 2008 Debate in collaboration with Sweet & Tender, Dance week Brabant 2008 Concept and establishing of the ‘Underground laboratory’ in Brabant 2008