Ein Versuch, zu finden, was noch da ist /An Attempt to Find What Is Still There
After two years of lockdown, I asked myself what remained of me and my body. How do other people feel who have had the same experience? That’s the extraordinary thing about this situation: "we" were all prisoners of this pandemic.
I was interested in finding out how people fared and how they feel or perceive themselves now. I conducted my research in the dance field and addressed the questions to people who were about to attend a (dance) performance.
Thanks to conceptual funding from NEUSTART KULTUR and NPN, I was able to explore this project with Kim Walz in 2022.
- Did you miss dance as an art form, and if so, what did you miss about it?
- And how does it feel to see 'live’ dance again?
- Has the pandemic changed how you perceive your own body, and if so, how?
These questions were the basis for each interview conducted. From these conversations, we selected concise terms that described the physical and mental response of the interviewees to our questions. Their words were printed on posters and used as so-called choreographic objects for the site-specific Pop-Up Salon. During the performance, you could hear short audio fragments that we created from our recordings. The performance took place in an urban setting (Gleisdreieckpark and Potsdamer Platz, Berlin).
In 2023, the project will be further developed with an interactive dialogue app. Using artificial intelligence, the spoken word will be translated into electronic soundscapes.
Vincent Koreman (musician/artist) has already begun to design the first audio samples.
Ein Versuch, zu finden, was noch da ist / An Attempt to Find What Is Still There will be further developed as a kind of therapeutic act, so that "we" can reconnect with our bodies.
Artistic direction and concept: Sonja Augart
Artistic collaboration and dramaturgy: Kim Walz
Performance: Sonja Augart, Kim Walz
Photo documentation: Petrov Ahnes
Sound trailers: Vincent Koreman
Translation: Anna-Luella Zahner
Link Soundcloud: Sonja Augart / Kim Walz
Kindly supported by Volksbühne Berlin, HAU, Dock 11 and Tanzfabrik Berlin.