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Some notes about teaching Feldenkrais. Berlin, August 2017

Why should I be concerned with myself?
What is the self anyway?

We are constantly being bombarded with new opinions, concepts, manuals and smart watches that tell us how things work inside our bodies, how we can be healthier and how we can optimise ourselves and function even better. But how should we use this information without a sense of self to absorb and digest it? How do we know what actually suits to us and what doesn’t? How can you be an individual when everything is supposed to be directly accessible, quick and efficient like mass processing?

What suits me; what belongs to me and what belongs to the other? Is there an opportunity somewhere, the time and place to research and develop this?

The only thing we actually possess in this world is our own body. It is this body that makes us social beings and that allows us the time we now spend here together. Can you sense this with your own body? Or do you only become aware of it in more critical conditions, for instance when we’re unwell or when the body as it is doesn’t seem to fit?

There seem to be far too many thoughts, far too exhausting to come to terms with them as well. But children solve such issues while they are playing, trying and at once learning how you can do things better, or rather differently. If we really believe that our brains and bodies are malleable we should never stop playing and getting to know ourselves this way. Regardless of the phase of life we have reached.

Discover the possibilities to expand your horizon and in doing so, get to know yourself. So you can live your life the way you want it.

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